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Removing bees from the roof or ceiling

It is quite common for bees to be in a ceiling bees in ceiling or a roofbees in roof. It is actually the same thing, the bees would usually be above the ceiling and below the roof in the gap that those in colder climates call the attic and South Africans call "the helluva hot place where the geyser is". We have got a couple really nice photos where the bees have abandoned the hive, probably because it got too hot. When the temperature gets above 34 degrees celcius, the bees try to ventilate the hive. If they can't get that right then the wax starts melting and it is not uncommon for the comb to fall onto the ceiling, this is obviously a major problem because honey starts to seep through the ceiling and drips down onto carpets, couches, painting and all sorts of furniture. The key is to try to remove the hive as quickly as possible as the hive will only get bigger. On the left is a photo of the bee hive and the cut out ceiling. Note the amount of mess on the topside of the ceiling. The photo on the right is a close-up photo of the comb under the roof, note that the white honey comb is very new while the dark comb would be much older. CLick on the photos to view the larger photos.

The bees and the hive needs to be removed as soon as you become aware of it, the damage the dripping honey and melting wax could end up costing you thousands of rands or even damage to something irreplacable.

Bees on the roof

A trend towards keeping bees on the roof rather than allowing them to live wildly under the roof has proven to a rather popular option. People generally do not want to kill bees when they have them removed but would rather they be relocated so that they can continue with the pollination activities and making honey.

As a result, comapnies, hotels and even some restaurants and private home owners have had a beehive installed on their roof. This means that the bees have a home and should not be in the roof causing any damage and the hives are out of harms way, the chance of being bumped over or pushed inadvertantly is removed, making it safe for children and animals to play in the back yard.

Click here to see what a restaurant in Michigan, USA have done for their bees.

However, if this is not an option you would like to consider, rather have the bees safely and professionally removed.

Click here to have one of our experienced bee removers to catch your bees and safely relocate them.

Call us now on 011 362 2904


This page was last updated on 3 December 2014.